Research output can be exploited for commercial purpose either through new start-up company or technology licensing to industrial partners. The technology prototype developed may be protected through intellectual property right (IPR) protection. IPR is IP with legal rights that make it both protectable and tradeable. The commonly used IPR is in the form of patent, industrial design, trademark and cpyright. Among others, the patentable research output includes new idea, know-how, processes and products. IPR is increasingly important in academic and research life; sponsors will generally want privileged access to IPR in exchange for funding the research.
Many studies conducted worldwide indicate that research facilities, funding, the number of supporting staff and researchers are all positively associated with reserach outcome. There are noticeable differences across different types of research institutes or universities, with the newer research institutes or universities lagging in research performance.
The core subject undrrlying all research works is its methodology. It is insufficient to strictly follow the research process without an intimate understanding its methodology. The methodology directs the who9le endeavour - where critical decisions related to organising, planning, and directing the whle project take place. It controls the study, dictates the acquisition of the data , arranges them in logical relationshps, sets up a means of refining the raw data, contrives an approach so that the meanings that lie below the surface of those data become manifest, and finally issues a conclusion or series of conclusions that lead to an expansion of knowledge. The entire process is a unified effort as well as an appreciation of tis components parts. Thus, research methodologyu has two primary functions :
- To control and dictate research parameters
- To harness the parameters after acquisition and extract meaningfulness from them
That is what the core meaning by the phrase " the interpretation of the data" in the research methodology. it is a sudden, enlightening awareness of what the data mean. And, unless there is a discovery of the maning of the data, there is no research.