
Form of Tender - JKR 203B - Pind . 5 / 2008

This form is used by Tenderers to undertake to comply all tender conditions during tendering and this shall form part of Contract Documents. To be filled in ink by all tenderers and submitted as part of tender.

Copies of Tender Table Documents can be viewed at specified avenue during office hours.
- For tenderers to view and decide whether to purchase tender document / tender.
- For double checking against purchases tender document against errors.

Tenderer undertakes the following :

2. Agrees tender prices and rates can be adjusted by SO as to reasonablesness during tender but tender sum remains unaltered. Adjusted rates be used as basis of valuation.
5. be allowed to tender for PC & Provisional Sums in Works.
6.Understod that Government reserves right to refuse this Tender or not to award contract to lowest tenderer. Tender Validity Period is 90 days and tenderers shall not impose other term, condition or stipulation after this period over.

7. Successful tender to choose one of the following as Performance Bond.
i) Bank Guarantee from a govt. approved bank.
ii) Fiannace Company Guarantee
iii) Insurance / Takaful Gurantee
iv) Performance Guarantee Sum ( PGS) which is 10 % deduction from each initial interim payment until 5%  of Contract Sum deducted.

8. Upon receipt Letter of Acceptance of Tender but before commencement of te Works, to deposit following with Government :
a) Performance Bond in the form chosen under Condition 7 above, failure of which entitles Government implement PGS.
b) Contractor's All Risks (CAR) insurance policy / Cover note with receipt premium paid.
c) Workmen's Compensation / Cover Note with receipt premium paid.
d) Contractor's SOCSO registration no.

All above policies be deposited within 30 days of deposit of Cover Notes.

11.  Confirms after personal scrutiny the documents adn drawings used in this Tender are true copies as in Tender Table Documents.

12. Aggrees to following:
a) If Tenderer withdraws tender before expiry of Tender Validity period, or
b) If Tenderer imposes additional term, condition or stipulation to the Tender after date of closing of tender, or
C) if Tenderer rejects Contract after receiving Letter of Acceptance of Tender i,e, refuses to sign the Contract or fails to proceed with Works or fail deposit guarantee for Performance Bond.

Government can take disciplinary action or cancel registration of Tenderer as government contractor without prejudicing any other Governm,ent's rights.

