- The content, organisation, structure, word used and language suit the target reader and the purpose of the report.
- Shows carefully thought, comprehensive reading and indepth understanding of subject matter.
- Clearly organized and well structured.
- Follows the principle of good composition - the rule of three ' introduction, boduy and conclusion."
- Includes direct quotation, paraphrase and citation to support the central idea.
- Follow presubsribed format or convention for consistency and uniformity of format throughtout the article.
- Present carefully the data and results in an effective manner.
- Written in a simpel language and grammatically correct.
- Include a list of works cited in reference or bibiligioraphy
- Threre are stulistic rules for crafting text, references, equation, fuigures, table diagram and phtotos.
In producing a good article, two preliminary questions should be addressed:
- Target readers. For whom the article or report is written. THe information on the tartget readers are important in deciding things to be inclued in the written article, taking into account the ' must know', 'should know' and 'nice to know'.
- Requirements of stakeholders. What are te particular requirements, guidelines or format for the article or report ? writing a status report for a project, for example is different from writing a thesis or project propasal/
Writing Format
Different tuypes of writing normlaly require different format and writing strtucture to meet certain needs. A thesis or dissetation employs different format and structure compared to project proposal , progress report or journal articles.