
Elements in Performance Measurement

The Foregisn Direct Investment (FDI plays important role in ensuring socio-economic growth. In the era of globalisation, the battle for a shrinking pool of FDI worlrdwide is intensifying and Malaysia's competitiveness and labour cost are eroding fast. K- economy was introduced in year  2000 to strategically improve Malaysia competititve edge to a more favourable position.

Amongst the five factors theat found conducive to the flourishing of a k-based economy are human resources, R &D, inforstructure, infrastructure and economy.
Will regards to R&D, the nations success indicator include the following:

  • R&D public and private sector expenditure 
  • Number of personnel involved 
  • Number of research scientist and engineers (RSE) in R&D activities 
  • Number of patents filed 
  • Number of scientific publication in refereed journal 
Thus, the R&D funding organisation trusted to disburse public R&D expenditures should instituted method to measure achievement of the overall R&D actitivities. Generally the ultimate aim of R&D undertaking is objectively to improve nation building include alleviate poverty, improve quality of livelihood and ensure clean environment. The overall achievement that are measurable include: 

  • Yearly improved number of proposed viable R&D project to be undertaken. 
  • Number of tertiary and post graduated personnel registered and awarded the first, second and third degree. 
  • Number of scientist and personnel involved in the R&D endeavour. 
  • Number of patents filed and paper published in refereed journal. 
  • Number of world class info- and infrastructures. 
The above parameters may be used as a guidelines to establish key elements in developing the key performance indicator (KPI) of the organisation authorised to disburse and utilise the fund for the R&D activities . 

