
Road and Pavements

Excavating oversite , commencing from reduce levels including earthwork support , levelling , grading and compacting bottom , trimming sides of excavation , formation of slope . Maximum depth not exceeding 1.00m depth . Excavate depth sand 50 c run 300 binder 50 wearing 50 450 Remove surplus excavated material from site . Take qty Keeping the surface of the site and the whole of the excavation free from all surface water by pumping or otherwise . Keeping the whole of the excavation free from all ground subterranean water by pumping or otherwise . Item Sand , well consolidated in layers , each layers not exceeding 150mm thick . . Sub-base , 50mm thick Road at blk A Crusher run , well consolidate in layer , each layers not exceedding 150mm thick , average 300mm thick Base course , exceeding 250mm thick . Prepare and apply bituminous tack coat at a rate of 330ml / m2 to finishes surfaces of premix macadam binder course to receive premix macadam wearing course ( both measure separetely ) . On surfaces of roads , levels including laids to falls , falls and cross falss and to slpe not exceeding 15 degree from horizontal . m2 Prepare and apply bituminous prime coat at a rate of 440 ml/m2 to finishes surfaces of crusher run . base course to receive premise macadam binder courser ( both measure separetely ) On surfaces of roads ; ;leve; including laids to falls , falls cross falls and to slopes not exceeding 15 degree from horizontal . Layer of premix macadam bindeer course , laid on crusher base course ( measure separately ) ; well consolidated 50mm thick ; level including laid to falls , falls and cross falls and to slope not exceeding 15 degree from horizontal . layer of premix macadam wearing course , laid on premix macadam binder course ( measure separetely ) ; well consolidated in layers . 50 mm thick , level including laids to falls , falls and cross falls ,and to slope not exceeding 15 degree from horizontal . Plain in-situ concrete ,Grade 20 to B.S. 5328 , kerb ( Type 1 ) , cast - in -situ in continuous length with chamfered / sprayed and twice rounded top edges , setting on and including plain - i-situ concrete . Grade 20 400mm x 100mm thick beds ; mitred , stoolings , returned ends , formwork , all moulds , finishing fair on exposed surfaces extra excavations , earthwork support , levelling , grading and compacting bottom , trimming sides of excavations , formation of slopes ; backfillings and disposing of surplus excavated materials from site . 550mm x 175mm high . Plain in-situ concrete , Grade 20 to B.S. 5328 , kerb ab,d, 550mm x 175mm high , curved to 7600mm radius . Forming opening through in-situ concrete kers including hacking , cutting , formwork , concrete and reinformcenet with 2 nos . 12mm x 820mm long and 7 nos . 6mm x 100mm long mild steel bar reinformatioment . Hinged mild steel grating overall size 350mm x 150mm constructed of 50mm x 12mm , thick flats as framing stiffness , 50mm x 6mm thick as infills , including 6mm thick mild steel '2' angle guide frame ; all necessary welding ; approximately - kg . Scupper drain outlet scupper drain outlet . Prepare and apply one coat of metal prime and two finishings coats of bituminous paint on general surfaces of metalwork to gully put gratings ( measured flat overall on boths sides ) . Not exceeding 0.50m2 externally . Scupper drain outlet . Excavate trenches for 225mm diameter drainages pipes next to roadway ; commencing from reduce levels including earthwork support , levelling , grading and compacting bottom , trimming sides of excavations , formation of slope ; backfilling . and disposing of surplus excavated materials from site ; not exceeding 2.00m deepth , average 0.50m deep . ditto ( curved kerbs ) 225mm diameter salt glazed earth ware scupper pipes , inclduign all ends , angles , junctions , bedded , laid and jointed in cement and sand ( 1:3 ) in trench scupper drain at block A Allow for connection of drainage pipes to existing work ; including extra excavations , extra cutting of premix road surfaces ( if any ) , earthwork of slopes ; backfillings and disposal of surplus excavated materials from site : accessories , making good any defects any leave everthing in perfect working order , all in accordance with the specification the entire satisfaction and approval of the S.) and Local Authroities . Connecting end of 225mm diameter drainage to existing surface water drain . ( straight kerb ) ( Curved kerb ) Prepare and apply two coat of approved reflective thermoplastic road markings paint on general surfaces of roads premix . Borken line as centre lines , 1000mm long at 2700mm centres ( measure across brtoken lione ) , not exceeding 150mm girth . Prepare and apply two coat of approved reflective thermoplastic road marking paint a.b.d. Lines , 150mm - 300mm girth . Tranverse stop line at Block A . Prepare and apply two coat of approved reflective thermoplastic road marking paint a.b.d. Humps , over 300mm girth . Straight ahead direction arrows , 2125mm x 825mm Bloack A Turn left and right direction arrows , 3280mm x 1815mm Supply and install Standard traffic road sign with and including reflectrosied symbols , numbericals , letter , sign , and plates mounted on galvanised steel post , cast into and inclduign 300mm x 300mm x 600mm deep plain in-situ concrete Grade 20 footings , all necessary exvavations , earthwork support , levelling , grading and compacting bottom , formation of slope , backfilling and disposing of surplus excavated materials from site ; formwork , fixing , bracket , welding and paiting to the entire fsatisfaction and approval of the S.O and the local authroities Reinforced precast concrete , Grade 20 to B.S. 5328 , kerbs cast in 600mm lenbgths with chamfered / sprayed and twice rounded top edges , setting on and including plain in-situ concrete Grade 20 400mm x 100mm thick beds and 150mm x 75mm precast concrete channel slabs ( mesure sepaately ) on other side , reinforcement , mitred , stoolings , returned ends , formwork , all moulds , finishing fair on exposed surfaces , levelling , grading and compacting bottom , trimming sides of excavations formation of slope ; backfilling and siposing of surplus excavated materials from site ; placcing in position , bedded and jointed in cement and sand ( 1: 3 ) mortar . Reinforced precast concrete , Grade 20 to B.S. 5328 , channels slabs , cast in 600mm lenbgths , icnlduign reinforcement mitred , stoolings , returned ends , formwork , all moulds , finishing fair on exposed surfaces , extra exvavations ,earthwork support . 125mm x 75mm thick 125mm x 75mm thick , curved to 7600mm radius Premix macadam humps Ellipse shape humps , overall size 66000mm x 2500mm wide , 100mm high , as per drawing No . _ Alloq for joiting premix macadam roads to existing premix macadam road , including all necessary breaking up of exisitng kerbs , channel slabs , outlet pipes , etc , and making good surfaces of roads at joints , and intersections , all to the entiure satisfaction and approval of the S.O and Local Autorities . Joiting to esiting road . As-built plans Allow for provision of as built plan of the Road and Pavements; all in accordance with the specification and to the entire satisfaction of the S.O and Local Authorities . The whole road and pavements .

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